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PR placement

For any website, candidate for deputy or application, an important factor is its image and the announcement of various info drives on local and international markets. We provide PR placement services on major online and top mass media.


Turnaround time:

from 10 working days


Service costs:

The cost of our services starts at $499.

What kind of work does PR placement include?


Study of info drive


Creating an accommodation plan


Coordination and making of all payments


Placement report


Evaluation of competitors by quantitative and qualitative metrics of promotion


Detailed analysis of internal optimization of competitors


Detailed analysis of external promotion of competitors


Conclusions from the analysis - what competitors use, their weaknesses, necessary methods of promoting your site

As a result, you get

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Quick operational start-up within the framework of one hand

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Quality selection of sites and open prices

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Raising the image or announcing

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Obtaining results within the agreed KPI

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Analysis with comparative analytics of your site and competitor sites

Let's solve your problem in three steps

    1. Fill in your data
    2. Choose a service
    3. Leave a comment or question