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Advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Competitor analysis – a detailed comparative analysis of your website with a competitor's web portal. Based on the results of the analysis, you will receive indicators of the strengths and weaknesses of the competitive site: a matrix of the technical component of internal optimization, growth dynamics and quality of the link mass, analysis of the structure and content, final conclusions.


Turnaround time:

from 10 working days


Service costs:

from $299

What works does Instagram targeting include?


Detailed analysis of the site's niche


Identification of top competitors


Identifying fast-growing competitors who have every chance to get ahead


Identification of competitors' promotion methods - breakdown of methods into subgroups (external promotion, increasing the number of relevant pages, internal optimization, other)


Evaluation of competitors by quantitative and qualitative promotion metrics


Detailed analysis of internal optimization of competitors


Detailed analysis of external promotion of competitors


Conclusions from the analysis - what competitors use, their weaknesses, necessary methods of promoting your site

As a result, you get

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Understanding of weaknesses and strengths in SEO of competitors

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Working methods of promotion of competitors

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Which of the competitors you may have overlooked, and who is the fastest growing in search

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Understanding of how to promote the site to become a leader in your niche

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Analysis with comparative analytics of your site and competitor sites

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